The first version of Weather Message was released in 2001. It was a paging add-on for other EMWIN programs. As the product matured, it became a stand-alone full-featured program for processing weather products.
Our software applications are constaintly being revised. We value the recommendations and suggestions from our customers. Beta versions of our software are immediately made available. This addresses our customer's pressing needs and insures we release reliable and stable software.
We provide top-quality support to our users. We make every attempt to respond to every customer request in a timely manner.
In 2009 we released the first version of our polygon based siren activation software. On November 30, 2010, the first polygon based siren activation in Alabama occurred in Autauga County.
In 2011 Weather Message Software LLC was formed. Our goal is to simply exceed our customer's expectations.
Weather Message Sofware is located in Tallapoosa County, Dadeville, Alabama. You can contact us using our contact form or by mail at 203 Old Shepard Road, Dadeville, AL 36853.